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Hoping the beaches will be lively this year.





 かつては国の沖縄振興策なども盛んで沖縄・石垣島には観光のお客様が毎年右肩上がりで増えていた時代がありました。その傾向も航空業界の営業不振から2006年をピークに下げトレンドに切り替わりみるみる下降してしまいました。その後、リーマンショック、島の交通の要となる航空会社の経営破たん、そして2011年の東北大震災と続き、昨今の沖縄・石垣島の観光は冷え込む一方でした。この10年で、島の様子は激変しました。土産店や飲食店も随分なくなってしまったんです・・・そんな負のスパイラルから脱却したい、かつてのように観光のお客様で溢れる島に戻したいというフリーフォールスの想いがこのBEACH JAM(ビーチ渋滞)というデザインのもとになっています。島にやってきた大勢の観光のお客様が我先にと、綺麗な八重山諸島・石垣島の海に飛び込む時に、脱いだサンダルが山のように散乱している様子をデザインしています。今は石垣島だけではなく、日本全体の経済が落ち込み、深く傷ついている時。それでも元気をだして前に進むために今年も新しいデザインを沖縄の石垣島から発信します! 日本各地から、そして世界の各国から、沖縄・石垣島にたくさんお客様がみえますように!

This T-shirt was designed in 2012, before the opening of the new airport. The situation is quite different between now and then but I would like to publish the concept as it was back in 2012.

Quite some time ago, there was an age that many tourists would travel to the islands, the government pouring money in the area for developments and promotions, and the number of tourists increased each year. Starting in 2006, things started to go south when the airline companies got in trouble, one of the main airlines landing in Ishigaki went bankrupt then the economic downturn precipitated by the Lehman brothers bankruptcy in 2008, after that the earthquakes in 2011 was another incident that made things worse for the tourism sector. The 10 years during this time, many businesses went bankrupt and the situation wasn’t getting any better. This T-shirt BEACHJAM was based on my idea that we wanted to get out of the negative spiral which kept on swirling and the island to regain its liveliness. The flip flops scattered on the beach resembles the people racing towards the beautiful ocean. At the moment the whole of Japan is facing a rough time, and deeply hurt by the events that has happened. But we still have to live our lives and get along, this design is to remind us that we have to think positively for a better future. Hoping that we will get more tourists from around the world again!


BEACH JAM T-shirt​

color/ ベビーピンク

size/ 130 / XS / S / M / L / XL

cotton 100%

price / 4,515 円


It provides with a web special price.



It provides with a web special price.


BEACH JAM T-shirt​

color/ ホワイト

size/ 130 / XS / S / M / L / XL

cotton 100%

price / 4,515 円



It provides with a web special price.


BEACH JAM T-shirt​

color/ パステルブルー

size/ 130 / XS / S / M / L / XL

cotton 100%

price / 4,515 円


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